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Говорит Наташа. Выпускной

Говорит Наташа про последний день в начальной школеКогда Наташа закончила начальную школу, в последний день состоялся прощальный концерт для учителей, друзей и родителей.

Директор школы впервые за 7 лет разрешил делать фотографии и позволил записать видео выступления.

Сегодня Наташа расскажет об этом незабываемом дне и познакомит всех со своими одноклассниками. А затем мы предлагаем вам посмотреть видео, на которое ссылается Наташа в своем рассказе.

Изучайте разговорный английский вместе с Наташей!



Ниже вы можете посмотреть оригинальное видео, о котором только что рассказала Наташа.



Текст того, о чем в первом видео говорит Наташа.

N – Наташа, M – мама Елена


N. Hello.

M. Здравствуйте. Наташа, скоро в российских школах прозвучит последний звонок и начнутся летние каникулы. А в старших классах состоятся выпускные вечера. Давай сегодня расскажем о том, что было, когда ты заканчивала начальную школу.

N. OK. In this video here, my class, year 6, is saying goodbye to the school in an assembly.

M. Что такое assembly?

N. An assembly is when the whole school or some classes, come together to celebrate an occasion or talk about important issues. Every school does an assembly. In my primary school we had to sit on the floor crossed legged in the main hall.

M. Что происходило во время assembly, Наташа?

N. Every school event my Mom was asking for permission to take pictures or videos. And always for the children’s safety reason the Head Teacher said “NO”. At the very last assembly Head Teacher Mr Hird finally gave up and said “Yes” to her.

At the beginning of the assembly, I announced the name of the song. Our teacher Miss Murtagh found a very nice song for us to sing. The song was called the “Leavers' song” and was written by Helen and Mark Johnson.

My Mom put this video on YouTube and we have around 35 000 views at the moment. We even had a comment from authors of the song, pointing out how amazing our performance was.
Everyone was crying and feeling sad of leaving the school, teachers and friends behind. We all had to leave our school and go to different secondary schools.

M. Наташа, а ты еще помнишь имена своих одноклассников? Познакомь нас с ними!

N. Well, here are a few of them...

Here is Kaylern - weird name for an English person. He is Corey, Ebony, Amana, Grace, Leah, Lewis, Lewis, Ellie, Talia, there is me... if we carry on with this... then there is one of my best friends Hannah, Joseph, Joseph, Jerrel, Kyle, Thomas, Liam, Kelly.

M. Замечательно. Всех запомнили?

N. There is not all of them, but it is most of them.

M. Наташа, что было после того, как вы свою песню исполнили?

N. After we sang this beautiful song, my head teacher, Mr Hird, started to describe each of the pupils in my class. He did this so people could guess who it was before they were given a Bible. We were given a Bible because we went to a Catholic school.

M. Почему ты училась в католической школе, расскажи нам, пожалуйста?

N. I went to the Catholic school because they had the better standard of education. It is all because they have good discipline. We had more Religious Education lessons but we still did the same amount of normal lessons as ordinary schools have.

After assembly we had a party with lots of food and drinks talking and saying goodbye to our teachers and friends.
I invite you to watch our Leaver’s song video on YouTube, perhaps you will be able to use it for your own English lesson or for your school concert.

Thank you for being with us today. Hope to speak to you again soon. Good bye!

M. Пока-пока!


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