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Говорит Наташа. Викторина №1

Наташа проводит викторину

Кто ж знает, какие знания и в какой момент могут понадобиться вам в будущем!

Недаром в русском языке существует совет-поговорка “век живи, век учись!”

В сегодняшнем видео Наташа задает 10 вопросов. Какие-то покажутся вам слишком легкими, чтобы правильно ответить на другие – придется открыть словарь или проконсультироваться с Яндексом или Гуглом. Всё для знаний, всё для победы над иностранным языком!

Наташа прочитает вопросы викторины два раза, во второй раз она даст ответы, чтобы вы могли проверить свои знания.

Желаем вам успеха в изучении английского!


Текст того, о чем в этом видео говорит Наташа.


Hello! I'm glad to see you again.

English people enjoy quizzes, so we prepared some questions that you can try to answer.
So could you prepare a piece of paper where you can write your answers on.

We have ten questions and I will read them to you and you will write your answers down.
I will then re-read my questions and you can compare your answers with my answers.

So here is the first question.

1. How many tentacles does an octopus have?

2. Which structures are the ancient Egyptians famous for building?

3. What is an enormous collection of stars called?

4. Add us together and we make 7. Multiply us together and we make 12. Which we are?
a. 5 and 2              b. 4 and 3               c. 6 and 6

5. In which English city is Buckingham Palace?

6. What is the largest land mammal?
a. the African elephant       b. the ostrich       c. the blue whale

7. Does your heart beat faster or slower when you run?

8. If a story is fiction, is it real or made-up?

9. What are the three emergency services?

10. Which came after the Bronze Age?
a. The Golden age     b. the Iron Age     c. the Stone Age

Here are the questions again with the answers.

1. How many tentacles does an octopus have?

2. Which structures are the ancient Egyptians famous for building?

3. What is an enormous collection of stars called?

4. Add us together and we make 7.
Multiply us together and we make 12. Which we are?
a. 5 and 2 b. 4 and 3 c. 6 and 6
B. 4 AND 3

5. In which English city is Buckingham Palace?

6. What is the largest land mammal?
a. The African elephant b. the ostrich c. the blue whale

7. Does your heart beat faster or slower when you run?

8. If a story is fiction, is it real or made-up?

9. What are the three emergency services?

10. Which came after the Bronze Age?
a. The Golden age        b. the Iron Age          c. the Stone Age

That is it. I hope you answered all questions correctly.
Now you know what English quizzes are like.
We will have more quizzes soon.
That is it for today.


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