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Образование в Великобритании

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Несмотря на большие различия в системах образования в российских и британских школах, просматриваются и некоторые общие черты.

Посмотрите видео, в котором Наташа говорит о том, через какие испытания проходят британские дети на своем пути к вершинам научных знаний.

Вы узнаете, какие предметы изучают школьники на занятиях, как долго длится учебный год и сколько лет надо провести в школе перед тем, как получить путевку в большую жизнь.


Текст того, о чем в этом видео говорит Наташа.

N – Наташа, M – мама Елена


M. Привет, Наташа!

N. Hello, it’s me! Today we will be talking to you about schools here in Britain.

M. Чтобы нам было легче рассказывать о школе, мы приготовили с тобой вопросы, которые я буду задавать.
Во сколько лет вы идете в школу, Наташа?

N. We start school when we are 4 to 5 years old. That school is called Primary school.

M. Сколько лет вы учитесь в начальной школе?

N. In Primary school for 7 years. The first year is Reception, the second year is Year 1. We don’t say ‘I’m in the First class’, here in Britain we say ‘I’m in Year 1′.

M. Что происходит после окончания начальной школы?

N. After Primary school, which is Year 6, we make a choice into what Secondary school we would like to go to. There are different types of Secondary schools. There are State schools, which the majority of people will go to. There are Grammar schools which pupils will take a test and see how good they are. And there are Private schools, which the parents have to pay large amounts of money for the children.

M. Куда вы идете после окончания средней школы, Наташа?

N. After Secondary school, in Year 11, we can go to College or we can go to Sixth form.

M. Что такое Sixth Form?

N. Sixth Form is where you have 2 years preparing for University.

M. Наташа, а в чем разница между Sixth Form и колледжем?

N. The difference between College and Sixth Form is Sixth Form you are planning to go straight to University afterwords. And College is where you get professional education so you can go straight to your job.

M. Давай теперь поговорим о твоей школе.

N. OK.

M. Расскажи, пожалуйста, какие предметы вы изучаете?

N. We have subjects… English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computing, Art, Music, Religious education, Physical education and…

M. Географию сказала?

N. Geography and History.

M. В каком ты сейчас классе?

N. I’m in Year 8.

M. Носите ли вы школьную форму, Наташа?

N. Yes, in my school we wear school uniform. All schools around the country in Britain wear school uniform.

M. Расскажи о вашем учебном годе, Наташа.

N. We have three terms in an academic year. In between of those terms are two week break. The first term is from September, not necessarily the 1st of course, until Christmas time. The second term is after New Year up until Easter holidays. After Easter is the 3rd term up until
July, which is our summer…

M. End of July… Конец июля…

N. Yes, end of July. So we only have one month as a summer holiday. I feel quite jealous as you have three months and I only have one.

M. Ну, расскажи нам о своей школе, Наташа.

N. I go to a Grammar school. To go to my Grammar school, which is secondary school, I have to do a test, which I passed. There were a thousand of girls who took the test and only a 150 of us actually got into the school.

M. О, так ты у нас умная?

N. Yes… Traditionally Grammar schools are for only boys or for only girls. There are some Grammar schools, only some though, they are mixed - boys and girls.

M. Наташа, говорят, что в Англии не задают домашние задания в школе, это правда?

N. No, that is not true, we are given pieces of homework, each day of the week. Oh, by the way, I better go to do my homework now to keep this little friend happy. Good bye!
If there are questions or things you would like to know please ask and I will try to answer them. Thank you. Good bye. Пока!


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