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Говорит Наташа. Снег в Castle Vale

Snow in Castle ValeВторой раз за сезон мы снега не ждали… Перед Рождеством уже получили свою порцию белого волшебства, отстроили снеговиков и покатались с горок.

И вдруг второй раз – в марте! Опять в школах отменили занятия, опять встал общественный транспорт, замерла-застыла жизнь по всему острову…

Оделись мы потеплее, взяли с собой подружку Наташи Хлою и отправились побродить по белому безмолвию. Результатом этой прогулки явилось видео, которое мы публикуем сегодня.

Нам очень повезло, рядом с нашим домом находится большое пространство – уголок почти дикой природы. Там живут кролики, лисы, большое количество разных птиц. В специальных загонах щиплют травку лошадки. Стадион, игровое поле, луга – отличное место для прогулок, особенно для владельцев собак, они там частые гости.

Но давайте смотреть видео.

Все, что сказала Наташа, тщательно задокументировано, если вы кликните на прямоугольничек в нижнем правом углу видео, то вы увидите субтитры. Субтитры на английском языке. Если нажать на значок шестеренки, то можно изменить язык субтитров и выбрать русский язык.

Для тех, кто предпочитает текст видео в напечатанном виде, приводим его ниже.

Hello friends!

Fancy a little walk with me around the estate where I live?

Welcome to Castle Vale. Let me show you around.

I would like you to meet my friend Chloe. She lives nearby and we used to go to the same primary school.

We put on our warm clothes and decided to go to the conservation area, just across the road.

The conservation area is a place where people are trying to preserve wild life, keeping it green and natural. It is not very green at the moment though…

Not very often we are having snow in this country. Sometimes winter passes without any snow. This winter we were lucky. We had snow before Christmas and 3 days of snow in March.

We’ve got beautiful meadows, where in the summer time we can see lots of animals and many different types of birds.

We are walking around the allotments. This is a community place, where local people can grow their own fruits and vegetables.

Understandably, it is very deserted at the moment.

It is also the home for the Community Environmental Trust – a small charity organisation, which looks after this area.

Every week they are taking children from local schools and introduce them to the nature. When I was in primary school we called it Forest Schools and loved it very much.

Lots of the local people take their dogs here for a walk and free run.

The major attraction to the local people is the horses. At the edge of the conservation area, there are stables where these horses live.

Horses are out and about in the fields all year round.

Lots of people with little children come to see the horses and we also stopped to give them a stroke and some nuts.

They are very friendly, but sometimes argue with each other for food which people bring them.

This little white horsey is the favourite of all Castle Vale’s children. His name is Willow. He is very sweet, but, unfortunately, the big horses are much quicker to get to the visitors to receive some treats, than him.

Castle Vale’s conservation area is the best place for bird watching. We were lucky to see at least 3 different types this time.

This beautiful bird is called a thrush.

And this one is a robin.

Aren’t they beautiful?

Before we went back home we stopped at small area, called the Hills. We don’t know why did they built these strange waves on the ground, but, when we were little I used to play there with Chloe, when we had snow.

Well it is about time for us to go home, say good bye to each other.

And say good bye to you. See you soon. Good bye

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