День в скаутском центре Блэквелл выдался морозным, но без снега. Снег в наших краях – редкое явление.
Зато его будет очень много в Швейцарских Альпах, где совсем скоро высадится десант из 120 скаутов из британского Бирмингема.
Говорят, уже сейчас слой снега на горнолыжных спусках составляет больше метра, а температура доходит до –26 градусов!
Скаутов ожидает путешествие на поезде по тоннелю под проливом Ла-Манш, затем через всю Францию до кантона Берн в Швейцарии, в горную деревушку Кандерстег. Там находится международный скаутский центр, где дети проведут неделю, полную всевозможных развлечений. Помимо основного дела – катания на горных лыжах, ожидается также игра в кёрлинг, спуск с горы на санках, построение иглу, ледовые восхождения, лагерный костер.
Потому как девизом скаутов является “Be prepared!” – “Будь готов!”, руководители поездки провели общий сбор на скаутской базе в Блэквелл.
Общеизвестный team building помогает быстро перезнакомиться во время выполнения нетрудных заданий. А с друзьями уже ничего не страшно и целая неделя вдали от дома пролетит весело и с огоньком.
В сегодняшнем видео Наташа расскажет о том, как прошел день знакомства в Блэквелле. В этот раз я, ее мама, снимала скаутские игры на телефон. Не знаю, будет ли у Наташи время и желание делать фотографии в Кандерстеге. Если привезет фотографии, то у сегодняшнего видео будет продолжение. Будем надеяться.
Напоминаем, что, как обычно, в Наташиных видео можно воспользоваться английскими субтитрами, которые можно активировать или отказаться, нажав на специальный значок внизу видеокартинки – прямоугольник с красной линией снизу. Для тех, кто интересуется самим текстом видео, располагаем его ниже.
Hello, friends! Natasha is here again!
Some of you probably remember that I have joined the scouts many years ago, when I was 6 years old. There were lots of interesting events in my life that I have experienced with the scouts.
But the most interesting event is going to happen soon. Together with 120 scouts from Birmingham, I’m going to Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland.
We are going there by coach via the Channel tunnel to France and then on to Switzerland, where we are going to spend a whole week skiing and doing other winter sports. I am very excited about this opportunity and really look forward to learning how to alpine ski.
Before we go, scout leaders had organised a team-building day at Blackewell scouts centre in Birmingham.
I’m going to show you what activities were available for us that day. These were simple but fun games which allowed us to meet other people in our teams, learn each other names and exercise preparing for our forthcoming event.
To start with, all the scouts had been divided into groups of 15-20 people and asked to arrange ourselves in lines in alphabetical order of our first names.
Then we were asked to arrange in lines by first letter of our surnames, then by shoe size and eventually by Birthday month. You can see as Simon Cardall got us into action.
After that, we all took part in different fun activities, moving from one to another, mainly outdoors.
They split our group into 2 and asked to pass a few balls along the line. Then the last person in the line should run as fast as they could around the second part of the group, who were quickly passing a basketball to each other, counting rounds.
Then we swapped places. The ones who were passing the basketball around now did the running and vice versa. The group that was able to have more passes in the basketball task won.
Second activity was throwing a basketball. Again we competed against each other within the 2 parts of the team.
The third activity was really after working together where we needed to hook some blocks from the platform and move them aside.
First part of our team didn’t do very well, but we learned from their mistakes and managed to remove quite a few blocks.
The fourth activity was funny and enjoyable. We all had a half of the pipe and our task was to hold them in the way so that the balls can go along from the beginning to the basket.
The fifth activity was the most difficult both physically and mentally. The task was to move 5 numbered tyres from one pole to another, making sure that the smaller tyre is always on the top of the bigger one and not the other way around. There was the third pole available to help accomplish this task.
There were lots of shouting and hard work, but Simon said that we were the only team who managed to finish the task almost in time. We were very glad about that.
The last sixth activity was physical again. John asked us to hold wooden bars in pairs and one person at a time was supposed to go along trying to distribute their weight between the different bars.
It was a brilliant exercise as it let us joke and laugh all the way, let us know each other and rely on each other’s support.
So that was our fun activity day. All of us really enjoyed these simple but useful games.
I hope we will have good time travelling to Switzerland.
They told us that they had a lot of snow in Kandersteg this winter; depth is about 1 meter and temperature sometimes falls as low as -26 degree! Gosh, that is really cold for us, we rarely have temperatures below freezing here in Britain.
I hope to post some more videos before I go, so stay tuned. Goodbye!
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