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Говорит Наташа. Интересные факты об аистах, животных и об изобретении телефона.


Так много разных удивительных вещей происходит в жизни! Большинство из них проходит мимо нашего внимания. Что-то когда-то происходит в первый раз, а потом постепенно становится привычным и мы уже не задаем лишних вопросов. Но задавать их надо!

Сегодня Наташа не только задаст несколько вопросов, но и попробует на них ответить. А вопросы такие:

1. Почему аист приносит новорожденных?

2. У всех ли животных красная кровь?

3. Какова была первоначальная реакция на изобретение телефона?

Надеемся, что вы почерпнёте что-то новое для себя, если посмотрите сегодняшнее видео. Одновременно у вас появится шанс в очередной раз попрактиковаться в английском языке.

Возьмём на себя смелость предложить вам перевод нескольких, не очень часто используемых в повседневной речи, слов, которые встречаются в видео:

Stork - аист
Pagan times – языческие времена
Wingspan – размах крыльев
Weigh – вес
Dedication – преданность
Offspring – отпрыск
Leaches – пиявки
Earthworms – земляные черви
Translucent – прозрачный
Invention – изобретение
Superior – превосходный, лучший
Shortcomings - недостатки
Inherently – по существу
Messenger - посыльный



Напоминаем, что, как обычно, в Наташиных видео можно воспользоваться английскими субтитрами, которые можно активировать или отказаться, нажав на специальный значок внизу видеокартинки – прямоугольник с красной линией снизу. Для тех, кто интересуется самим текстом видео, располагаем его ниже.

Hello, friends! Natasha is here again!

Fascinating facts and curious questions… So many events in our lives just go by, we take things for granted and very rarely stop and think: How? Why? When?

We are going to remove some blind spots from your knowledge about the world today.

Later in the video:

We will find out if all animals have red blood?

And what was people’s initial reaction to the invention of the telephone?

But we will start from the following question:

Why does the stork carry babies?

Everybody knows about the story of the stork delivering babies to people’s houses. But where did this myth come from?

Some say that this myth had originated in Pagan times, when people were keen to have lots of children in the family.

The traditional image of a stork flying towards parents-to-be with a baby in a bundle hanging from its beak comes from Europe, where people noticed that in some places, the number of storks nesting and the number of human babies born seemed to be related.

It appears that the storks close association with chimneys and roof tops and their arrival from migration, during human birth time peaks, may have led to the popular image of a stork delivering a little bundle of joy by dropping it down the chimney.

Storks are BIG birds. White storks measure over 1 metre tall with a wingspan of almost 1.5-2 metres and weigh between 2.5-4kg — potentially large enough to at least imagine carrying an infant.

Storks make good parents. The adult birds are known for their parental dedication; they continue to feed and care for their offspring well after they can fly.

So all that interesting facts contributed to the myth of storks delivering babies to humans.

Do all animals have red blood?

Not all forms of animal’s or insect’s life have red blood. A notable exception is the spider. Spiders have blood that appears to be a somewhat blue or blue-green variety.

Lots of other insects have yellow blood.

Crabs, octopuses and lobsters have blue blood.

Leeches and earthworms have green blood.

There are also some fish in cold waters of Antarctica, whose blood doesn’t have colour at all, so fish looks like a piece of ice – translucent.

What was the initial reaction to the invention of the telephone?

It is safe to say that the telephone was not widely appreciated in the first 15 years after its invention.

When Alexander Graham Bell first invented the telephone, he offered to sell the patents to Western Union – then the world's most important communications company, thanks to its domination of the telegraph – for $100,000.

Western Union believed their telegraph was superior, and an internal memo, dated 1876, reads: ‘This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.’

When Bell asked Mark Twain for an investment of $5,000, Twain declined, saying he saw no future in it.

But perhaps the best response is that of the British parliament, who saw no need for telephones as ‘we have enough messengers here’.

That is it for today. I hope you enjoyed today’s video. Stay with us for more interesting videos to come. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Next time I will tell you why do we drive on the left side of the road in Britain. See you soon. Goodbye!


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