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Говорит Наташа. О ежегодном отчетном вечере кадетской организации

Кадеты представляют свои сертификатыНаш пострел всюду поспел!

Пошел второй год, как Наташа начала посещать Air Training Corps, что на русский язык можно перевести как лётный тренировочный корпус. А проще говоря, подалась наша Наташа в Air Cadets – в кадеты.

Много разных мероприятий прошло за этот год – лагеря, поездки, экскурсии, спортивные соревнования. Смотрите наши видео – узнаете много интересного о том, чем занимаются кадеты в детской милитаризованной организации.

Сегодня в нашем очередном видео вы узнаете:

- кто и когда организовал Air Cadets и для чего это им было надо;

- под чьим патронажем находится кадетская организация после того, как эту почетную обязанность сложил с себя герцог Эдинбургский;

- каковы планы на будущее у наследника британского престола принца Джорджа;

- о начале празднования 75-летия кадетской организации в кафедральном соборе в Ковентри;

- как прошел ежегодный отчетный вечер кадетов;

- как маршируют в британской армии;

- чем была награждена Наташа, и увидите награду вблизи.

Вот такая, довольно обширная, программа у нас на сегодня.


Как обычно, мы добавили к видео субтитры, которые вы можете активировать или убрать, нажав специальный значок в ролике внизу справа. Для тех, кто предпочитает смотреть видео без субтитров, размещаем полный текст того, что говорит Наташа, ниже.


Hello, everyone!

Nice see you again! I am very glad, that there are lots of views of my videos on YouTube. I hope that we are doing a good job helping you to learn English. It would be very helpful if you could leave your comments or questions for me.

Today I would like to talk to you about Air Cadets, which I joined last year, this is why I’m wearing my smart uniform. Do you like it? Because I do!

The Air Training Corps is the youth organisation sponsored by the Royal Air Force (RAF). The more common name for our organisation is the Air Cadets.

The Air Cadets was first established in 1941 during the Second World War. The Government wanted to train young men in aviation skills. They wanted to give the opportunity for cadets to gain a taste of military life, so that they are prepared to join the RAF.

Almost 55,000 cadets and adult volunteers are members of Air Cadets in the UK.

We do have a patron from the Royal family. I’m sure you all know Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William, Duchess of Cambridge.

Recently Kate has been appointed as Honorary Air Commandant taking over from her father-in-law the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Duke of Edinburgh has been involved with the organisation for more than 60 years.

Kate’s husband is a pilot. Her brother-in-law is a pilot. Her father-in-law is a pilot. Her mum used to work in an airline. Kate obviously is a great patron to the Air Cadets.

It was reported in the press that while speaking to cadets, she revealed that her son, Prince George, has a passion for aeroplanes, suggesting he would one day join the Air Cadets himself. Unfortunately, there is quite a long time to wait for him, as he is only 2 years old at the moment. J

This year the Air Cadets are celebrating 75 years since it was established. Therefore we have lots of special events to mark this anniversary.

On the 7th February there was special service in Coventry cathedral.

Lots of cadets from different Squadrons that form the Warwickshire & Birmingham Wing, marched from the Queen’s Steps into the Cathedral.

The bell rang out to announce the start of the colourful procession of Banners, each representing the different Squadrons.

I didn’t go there myself as I went for a flying lesson to Cosford that day, but lots of my friends went to Coventry and enjoyed the event.

Every year in February our squadron has an annual presentation evening, when we receive our certificates and awards.

You can see me the moment I went to receive my certificate.

I hope you enjoyed seeing me marching. I know it looks very different to how people march in others countries…

This year I received a shield for services to the community, with another cadet. Both of us were heavily involved with all fundraisers and promoting the Air Cadets at the local supermarkets. We would pack people’s bags, sell them poppies for the Remembrance parade, and collect donations throughout the whole year.

This shield has many metal plaques with the year and name engraved on it. I am allowed to keep it for 2 weeks at home, then it will go to Cadet Cook and then it will be kept at squadron’s office.

I hope you enjoyed my today’s presentation. I will try to make another video for you, telling more about my Air Cadets training.



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