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Happy Valentine's Day cardСердечки, купидоны, красные розы – всё это непременные атрибуты празднования дня святого Валентина. Сегодня мы поговорим еще об одной замечательной традиции дня влюбленных – о валентинках.

Валентинки – это традиционные открытки в красно-розовых тонах, со стихами, идущими от сердца, которые влюбленные (и не только!) дарят друг другу в день 14 февраля. Конечно, лучше всего сочинить стихи (или даже целую поэму!) самим, но, если природа не наградила вас такими способностями, то всегда можно подсмотреть что-то в интернете.

В своем новом видео Наташа представляет несколько открыток-поздравлений на день святого Валентина. Открытки, конечно, на английском языке, но никто не остановит ваш творческий порыв, если вы захотите написать свои собственные стихи, оформить их красивым образом и подарить своему любимому человеку.

Для тех, кто захочет скопировать или распечатать открытки, которые мы изготовили с Наташей и продемонстрировали в видеоролике, размещаем их чуть ниже, вместе с текстом того, что говорит Наташа.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hello, everyone! Natasha is here again!

Sweet hearts, cupids, red roses, teddy bears and Valentine’s Day cards - all express the Valentine’s Day spirit.

Last time I promised to tell you more about Valentine’s cards. Let me show you some which I admire.

I would like to begin with the traditional cards. Very often Valentine's Day poems start from the line ‘Roses are red’. Usually they are very simple. But I’m surprised how much feelings people can express in these short poems.

Roses are red,
Grass is green,
You are the prettiest
Girl I have seen.

Roses are red,
Daisies are white,
I like you a lot,
Cos you are alright!

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Carnations are Sweet
And so are you.

Any celebration will not be complete without some of the humour. We’ve got plenty of it in Valentine‘s Day cards.

My love is like a cabbage
Divided into two,
The leaves I give to others,
The heart I give to you.

Plenty of love,
Tons of kisses,
Hope one day
To be your Mrs.

For those who just started to learn English, I will explain that women begin to add the salutation ‘Mrs’ when they get married.

I like this valentines, as at the end of the poem it is very surprising.

Valentine, O, Valentine,
I'll be your love and you'll be mine.
We'll care for each other, rain or fine,
and in 90 years we'll be 99.

Some Valentines, which people send to each other, are not really of the best rhyming. I’m struggling to read them to make it flow, but it is OK, because they all filled with love.

I love you for a lifetime,
Not only for a day.
I love you for who you are,
Not what you do or say.

Valentines, valentines,
Red, white and blue.
I'll make a nice one
And send it to you.

If you won't be my Valentine,
I'll scream, I'll yell, I'll bite.
I'll cry aloud, I'll start to whine,
If you won't be my Valentine.

My Mum says that word ‘whine’ is not very often used, so I will explain this word to you. Actually ‘whine’ means some sort of cry. As they say it in the dictionary, ‘whine’ is to make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.

Valentine’s Day cards could be given not only to a boyfriend or girlfriend, but they could be given to other members of the family, as sisters, brothers and Mums. What do you think about this one?

You tie my shoes, you pack my lunch,
you give me snacks that I can munch.
You always see I've combed my hair,
when I need you, you're always there.
You even forgave me for spilling glue,
Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy, I love you!

It would be really lovely if you can give a nice Valentine’s Day card to a special Friend. For example this one. 

A special friend is by your side,
During long classes and late bus rides.
A special friend has a laugh to share
when it seems that no one else is there.
A special friend is always true.
My pick for a Valentine is someone like you!

I came across of a very unusual card, let’s see it.

I gave a hundred Valentines.
A hundred, did I say?
I gave a thousand Valentines
one cold and wintry day.

I didn't put my name on them
or any other words,
because my Valentines were seeds
for February birds.

Isn’t it sweet?

But I have to speak up about another very important person in every one’s life. A Teacher! Teachers deserve Valentine’s card more than anybody. How about this one?

Math and Science, Reading too,
All my favourites are taught by you.
You’re the Teacher who's nicest and smart,
I give to you this Valentine heart.
You make learning fun this year.
And now that Valentine’s is here,
Thank you, Teacher, for building my mind!
Will you be my Valentine?

That is it for today.

Now, when you’ve seen some Valentine’s Day cards, which we prepared for you with my Mum, you can make your own for your loved ones. We’ve put these cards on our blog www.govoritnatasha.co.uk and you are free to copy or print them. Happy Valentine's Day! See you next time. Goodbye !


Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card

Valentine's Day card


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